

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by noses and nostrils!

In a world filled with  beautiful people with symmetrical features, it’s those wonky, crooked, bulbous, wonderfully WEIRD noses that make everybody different and special. We must celebrate these uniquenesses! 

Body positivity is so important, especially in today’s age of social media - we’re under more scrutiny than ever. Everyone seems to have something they’d like to change; to ‘fix’ about themselves - their squishy knees, or frizzy hair, or wonky nose. Norris is the embodiment of those insecurities , and on her quest to find a ‘better’ nose for herself, she notices the beauty and uniquenesses of all different ones around her, ultimately learning to appreciate her own. 

I’ve illustrated a few children’s picture books in the past, but always wanted to write and create my own story. One day, back in 2015, after excitedly commenting on what was probably the 500th wonderful set of nostrils I’d seen, my husband turned to me and said, ‘that’s it! You’ve got to do your children’s book about noses and nostrils!’

Truthfully, I didn’t start this book knowing that it would end with a powerful message about self-love, but I’m thrilled it did.